Beautiful name

13 Dec

I’m listening to ‘What a Beautiful Name’ on repeat. And if I do take a moment to breathe, my eyes fill up.

There is so much joy, over and above the manifestation of God in text, in the church on earth, in people, in ourselves … over and above all that, and actually in Himself. Just knowing him. In all these ways, and more. Relationally. Knee to knee, face to face laughing over the way I finally understand what he said years ago. Crying over the way I don’t know how it will look. It. The big it. Everything.

You know that feeling when someone sits by you, smiles over your shoulder, any moment now their arm will be on yours. A gentle embrace, the knowledge that your father is holding you loved. This is my snapshot of home in the rockiest, most turbulent sea.

Whisper it for healing tonight.

Jesus. What a beautiful name.


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